
ASK Resource Center

ASK (Access for Special Kids) Resource Center is a parent training, information, and advocacy center for families of children with special needs across the state of Iowa. ASK is a family-driven, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to empower individuals with disabilities and their family members. Find out more about ASK by reading their Vision, Mission and Values.

Child Health Specialty Clinics (CHSC)

Child Health Specialty Clinics (CHSC) serve children and youth, birth through 21 years of age, who live in Iowa and have – or are at an increased risk for – a chronic condition, and have a need for special services.  Chronic conditions can include physical, developmental, behavioral, or emotional issues. CHSC provides specialty clinical services that are not otherwise available in your community through 13 regional centers and the Iowa City central office.  Fees charged for services through CHSC may be adjusted using a sliding fee scale that takes into account family size and income. No family is refused services due to inability to pay. Learn more.

Disability Resource Library

Housed at the Center for Disabilities and Development on the University of Iowa campus, the Disability Resource Library (DRL) is a resource for people of all ages with disabilities of all kinds. It is also a resource for families, and for the service providers with whom they work.

DRL collections focus on information for, by and about people with disabilities. Materials come in a variety of formats: books, DVDs, training curricula, software, and assistive technology. You can borrow materials in person or by mail. Learn more on our DRL page or call 800-272-7713.

Disability Rights Iowa

Disability Rights IOWA helps people with disabilities, including mental illness, deal with discrimination. Help is provided in several ways, depending on the areas of focus set by Disability Rights IOWA’s Board of Directors. All Disability Rights IOWA services are free. But callers’ issues must relate to their disability or mental illness. Problems Disability Rights IOWA deals with may include abuse, neglect, education, employment, housing, or denial of services. Learn more here.

Iowa Compass

Iowa Compass has information about programs and services for Iowans with disabilities, their families and service providers. Access thousands of local, state and national programs for people with health-related conditions and disabilities.  Call, email, chat, text or search the website for answers to your disability-related questions.

Call or text: 800-779-2001

Search or chat:


Iowa Department of Human Services

Division of Mental Health and Disability Services

The Iowa Department of Human Services Division of Mental Health and Disability Services (MHDS) is responsible for planning, coordinating, monitoring, improving and partially funding mental health and disability services for the State of Iowa. The division provides leadership and sets the direction of state policy for the system of mental health and disability services for Iowa.

MHDS plans for and oversees the provision of disability-related services for children and adults with a wide range of disability conditions, including mental illness, serious emotional disturbance, intellectual disabilities, developmental disabilities, and brain injury. Learn more here.

Iowa Developmental Disabilities Council

Iowa DD Council

The Iowa DD Council provides individuals affected by disability the information, skills and confidence to stand up and take action. The Council offers them solutions to help promote the changes they want to see. Find information about the DD Council’s priorities, strategies, activities and investments on its website.

Iowa Medicaid Enterprise

The Iowa Medicaid Enterprise (IME) is a division of the Iowa Department of Human Services. IME partners with the University of Iowa Center for Disabilities and Development on a variety of statewide programs that promote opportunities in the community for individuals with disabilities, including Iowa's Money Follows the Person program (MFP).

IME administers the Iowa Medicaid program and the state's seven home and community-based waivers. Find out more about the HCBS waiver program and MFP on our Learn About Community Living page.

University of Iowa Center for Disabilities and Development

The Center for Disabilities and Development at University of Iowa Children’s Hospital is dedicated to improving the health and independence of people with disabilities and creating a life with opportunities for everyone. The Center’s clinic utilizes a team approach, bringing together the right experts to help families find answers. At the heart of each team are the patient and family.

The center has been designated the state's University Center for Excellence on Disabilities and strives to be the state's most trusted resource for health care, training, research, and information for people with disabilities. Learn more about CDD.