Category Archives: Disability-related Information

What’s New?

Iowa DD Council 5-Year State Plan Survey Every five years the Iowa Developmental Disabilities Council (DD Council) writes what is called a State Plan. It describes what work they will do and how they will spend the federal money we get. As they start working on our next plan, they want to hear from you!…
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What Else Is New?

Iowa LEND is Now Recruiting! The Iowa Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and related Disabilities (ILEND)program is now recruiting for the 2024-2025 academic year. LEND is an interdisciplinarytraining program dedicated to improving the health of people with disabilities across thelifespan. Participation in the yearlong program prepares trainees from diverse healthcare,educational, family, self-advocacy, and community disciplines to…
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Making the Workplace Work Better for Those with Autism

Iowa Public Radio – River to River Podcast The Centers for Disease Control estimates that 1 in 44 adults in the U.S. have autism. On this episode of River to River, host Ben Kieffer speaks with experts about making the workplace work better for those with autism spectrum disorder. Brad Biren is an attorney with…
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